In Celebration of National Mushroom Day, Let's Talk Mushroom Matters

Most of the time, we don’t give a big warm welcome to mushrooms when they appear on our lawns and in our landscaping. Though we often think of mushrooms as being an eyesore, they are usually harmless and actually have very good intentions. In the warm, moist areas where they thrive, mushrooms kickstart helpful microbial activity, breaking down organic matter like leaves, wood, and grass clippings.

So if mushrooms have taken residence in your yard and it’s not the look you’re going for, here’s what you can do to get rid of them. The trick is to pick them (Put on gloves first!) or mow them as soon as you see them and before they release spores. This will help keep them from spreading.

What are the keys to mushroom prevention? First, maintain a healthy lawn, one that is free of standing water and organic debris. Be mindful of overwatering and provide proper drainage for areas that seem to stay wet. Always keep your yard clean. Clean up organic debris such as sticks, leaves, grass clippings, and decaying wood.

If you’ve experienced a mushroom invasion, or need help maintaining a healthy lawn, Schultz Lawnscapes has a variety of lawn treatment and maintenance programs that you may consider.

Posted on October 14, 2024 .